Pop-up Sorter
Pop-up Sorter
Based on narrow-belt technology, the pop-up sorter is ideal for sorting different types of products (boxes, envelopes, flyers) to suit different types of industries. We always use top quality components.
In the narrow-belt modules, the belts are manufactured with materials that have a high friction with the products to be classified, allowing the classification of flyers and other irregular products. This type of technology the speed reached Is up to 3,000 pph (300 x 300 mm)
- Sorts products from 200 x 200 to 800 x 800 mm and weight up to 40 kg
- Different types of chutes: steel, gravity rollers, direct cardboard boxes or totes, bags
- Single or multiple induction poin
- Automatic merger option and product positioning
- Dimensioning and dynamic scale options
- The fully modular installation that allows you to integrate additional modules in the future without impacting the rest of the installation and in a very simple way
- Low noise level
- Low investment